28 Steps Set your intent Time block the week Define your FARM (Focused. Area. Researched. Marketing.) Make a branding decision Finalize your DiSC-Informed Event Information Begin marketing your DiSC-Informed Event Complete your event lead-up 8×8 Campaign Complete your event follow-up 8×8 Campaign Send your DiSC-Informed Event Invitations Setup your 19-Direct Campaign Get your Listing Presentation Ordered from California Concierge Get your Buyer’s Presentation Ordered from California Concierge Meet a title company representative Preview 12 properties Add 10 new people to your database Ask your sphere for 25 referrals Watch all RAMP UP videos for this section Post your 1 big ‘aha’ from this week on the CAMPUS dashboard Meet with your accountability partner Meet with your RAMP UP Coach Review the Do Not Call Registry with your RAMP UP Coach Meet with your Mentor Read MREA pages 317 -318 Time block to attend risk management classes offered by BLRG – find on your Market Center Portal calendar Attend Ignite Offerings: Remember to check completed classes near the bottom of this progress map Attend Team Meeting Attend Group Meeting for Launch Coaching Program Submit your weekly progress report online
KWA: Week 6