CAMPUS Coin System

Your CAMPUS Coin Balance:

0 CAMPUS Coins

How to earn CAMPUS Coin:


11 CAMPUS Coin Awards

  • Log in to CAMPUS website: +1 per day
  • 1 CAMPUS Coin for register to website
  • Comments on Community Feed Posts: +1 per comment
  • Get Followed by Someone in the Community: +2 per follower
  • Start Following Someone in the Community: +1 per follow (limited to 5 per day)
  • Complete 100% of Profile: +5
  • Publishes a Post on Community Feed: +2 per post
  • Get a comment on your post: +1
  • Reply to Discussion in Forums: +1 per reply
  • Change Your Profile Cover Image +3
  • Submit Your Weekly Progress Report (only applicable to certain programs) +3

How can you use CAMPUS Coin?

  • Gain exclusive access to special events and opportunities.

Your CAMPUS Coin Earning Activity: